Infinity on Trial wrote:
I've not been shy about this is community forums. The ability to block punts in current code relies on an AI flaw, independent of an owner's skill or effort, and the block is sometimes unavoidable despite talent and overrides. If taking advantage of the exploit, blocks happen at a rate much more frequent than real life. The willingness to do use this exploit is bush league bullshit, and those who do it are unworthy of respect. But go ahead — there's nothing stopping you.
I feel like the dumbest kid in class. I dont know what this exploit is....somebody somewhere said using fast players in the overrides or something. I dont know...I dont use overrides....havent been beaten by this exploit and asked someone to use it against me and he couldnt block any punts.
People are losing there s@!+ over punt blocks and my question is can punt blocks happen without the exploit? If so how do you tell the difference?
I dont know....all this is over my head I guess yet somehow magically nobody has attempted to use it against me and when I asked somebody to try it....they couldnt.
So I dont know what I'm missing but apparently I'm an idiot savant in avoiding this exploit.