CrazyRazor wrote:
Pittsburgh Steelers can BURN!!!
I second this 1000x.
For the record, the Steelers do not "travel". That's a myth. In over 150 games attended, I have never met anyone in Steelers garb who was from anywhere near Pittsburgh. They're just people that get a rise out of being "the jerk" or very large women betting on the fact that you won't punch them (even after they've hit you). I advise against taking anyone under 15 to an NFL game, but I would never take a kid to a game vs the Steelers bc of the profanity and violence is ratcheted up to a whole 'nother level.
Re: Bengals season tix for 15 years, gave them up because at age 40+, just couldn't take the NFL "experience" anymore. If you're looking to spend a Sunday afternoon packed in with people so drunk they can't hold onto their $10 beer and you can't sit down in your $100 seat because we're going to stand the whole time and "F**K YOU/STAND UP FA**OT" is the standard reply for ANYONE 8-80 then by all means, go for it.