ibblacklavender02 wrote:
This is my first time playing and I've made a few dumb trades already....with that being said does salary cap come into play at all? I don't see how teams can afford that many top picks
This is one aspect that hasn't been discussed but is a very valid point. One of my goals with this game is to make it hard to load up your roster and keep the players, because they will ask for more than you can afford. So I am very interested to see how that plays out in the given situation.
On the topic of only being able to trade for years you have registered for, I don't think that would solve anything on the surface because we already have people who register for a second season but don't stick around to complete the first, so short of WarEagle's idea of having to pay to renew into the next season before the trading deadline I don't see a way to guarantee someone will continue to run their team.
Right now there are two things I've implemented and one more that I plan to. The first is that I've turned down the number of future years available for trade to 3. For all the leagues with 5 years of picks, they just won't have new picks available to trade for 2 more seasons. The second is the new balance bar - which is also more restrictive in what trades it lets through. The third - yet to be implemented - is the ability to submit a trade that may be out of balance, with a minimum 24 hour period after it has been accepted by the second party for it to be taken to a vote before it is processed (probably forward 24 hours and then the next FA/Midweek stage after that), and whatever the popular vote is at that point is what happens.
I think the premium league is still also a good idea, because if players have to pay to play they will be more likely to take their team more seriously. But, I don't think there is enough interest in a premium league to launch one at this point.