Referring to players leaving.
Pooping on the bosses desk on the way out is not something people normally do.
Ive never had a game go under the gun by players in such derogatory ways.
As a pioneer in the online gaming industry (Sanctum 1998 public release), my focus for the company was marketing/player dev and retention/and user purchases (direct sales).
We certainly had our share of negative nannies regarding a particular expansion, code modification, or at one point - a long term lack of new product.
Never have I seen such a community of so-called well wishers focus so much on attacking any developer or game personel of user contact subject to such absolute, whiny, arseholedom.
The company I partly own got through our most difficult times (including going black in November 2009/Bright again 2012) specifically and entirely becuase of our community working with us instead of demoralizing us.
Granted, we HAD to listen.
That said, only a very select few of the overall community were involved in any discussions regarding the re-release of our game.
That is my experience.
The point being:
As a user, it is important to discuss ideas that you (I, we,they) feel are "critical" to the game.
As a human, it's far more important to not allow such grievances and concerns to delve into personal attacks of laziness, sloth, etcetra and et al against the game developer(s).
No one will listen to someone who says they are lazy, useless, unwanted - wait, is this a scene in The Breakfast Club - y'know - where the group discusses their daddy issues and how they use them as an excuse to attack people they percieve as ...
Lazy, not good enough, not smart enough...
Attacking someone never solved anything - and if it did, what was achieved was achieved from fear and not respect.
Some of you could not build a birdhouse if your life mattered upon it. ;)
Having been in this exact spot of a "difficult user experience" with my own product - more than once over 25 years in the industry, having some users/consumers throw a bit of salt on the way out is typical.
But to just hang back and trash someone personally, which is exactly what threads like these end up boiling down to, is just lazy.
Show some respect.
If you want to bail, fine. Just don't go all freaking Karen on your way out. You don't have to throw the taco sauces everywhere. You really don't.
Maybe it's some bitter break-up thing. I dunno. It's not healthy, that's for sure.
MFN owes you nothing - you willingly signed up and you can willingly and quietly leave.
JDB answers the serious stuff within 12-24 hours. Many of us know this, respect it, and try to be a freaking human being with actual empathy when bitching/moaning/ and most importantly tossing out an idea that might help, instead of a grievance that will not.
Y'all do you.
If you want to leave, by golly you don't have to show your frustrations - bi*****g and whining on the way out becuase this game isn't going your way.Y'all just go back to buying your unfinshed consoled games that cost 80$ which require yet another 100$ of DLC in addition to frucking GIGABYTES of updates while I continue to play this free game, accepting it as the work in progress it is.
...and always will be.
Take your nasties somewhere else, thank you very much. You really do not have to go on and on about what you hate, you really can just leave.
It is OK to show up, eat, and GTFO.
You don't have to tell everyone you didn't like the taters.
Last edited at 8/09/2022 12:03 am