As Ray mentioned before, you can find thousands of these insightful comments in the beta development threads.
raymattison21 wrote:
Base plays are for stopping the pass primarily.
That's like saying Dime plays are for stopping the run primarily.
raymattison21 wrote:
Penalizing them would give a boost to the offense.
No kidding. Hurting the defense helps the offense. Great analysis.
raymattison21 wrote:
Say It were vs a run then if the run fits were or were not there in the first place the outcome would be what it is. But if it were vs a pass and the pass wasn’t overused but the base play was then the pass should be more effective thus upping passing stats.
I need a drink just trying to read this gibberish.
If a run "fits" (?) ... the outcome is what it is. A more effective play produces better stats.
At least he's concise. (cough)
raymattison21 wrote:
On a side note 4-3 QBs spy is broke. No body spies the correct way
The play can be useful in a lot of situations, which is why so many teams run it often and with success.