As pertaining to Benny Worrell (or Slow QBs in General) I had thought about the Lack of Weapons. He's had some okay Seasons, but was very inconsistent overall.
He's part of why I took the Team, I saw a 92 Rated QB who was young. (on the Previous Owners Weights) and jumped on that. He was horrid, but I thought... maybe it's me. Maybe I jacked up the Offensive System or something.
Hence the Trade... give some one else a try with him. Results in Pre Season and Week 1 for Benny... haven't been good. And my Rookie QB, while making mistakes and putting some ***** into the ground... has already shown ability in both Pre Season and Week 1.
There is no world in when Benny Worrell should be a worse QB than William Anderson... yet here it is.
So New Players see a Trade, see the Over All Value... might even see the Positional Values... and think some one was fleeced because it look like Joe Montana or Ronnie Lott was traded for 'peanuts', not understanding this player is NOT Joe Montana or Ronnie Lott.
I think this is where a lot of the 'Taking advantage of New Players' is coming from, not having a proper perspective on what a Player will be able to do when viewing the Trade.
It's good to have these discussions as well, it's GOOD for Owners to learn these things... and sooner rather than later. Because we all love this game and want it to grow, and New Owners getting frustrated at these systems eventually just leave. So I love that this discussion has occurred.
The thing is, I'm new too. But I have a lot of Football background, and a lot of Game Knowledge... so it doesn't take me long to start to get a grasp. Which is why I said the things I pointed out are fairly obvious... you can't just look at a Trade Block, you have to step back and look at the Rosters, and have to try to put yourself in the mind of each Owner and what he was trying to accomplish.
But that takes time, so New Owners don't do that. They just look, see an 88 that was a 1st Rounder... and think some one is cheating.
So it's good for New Owners to see Threads like this. Of course, if one feels they are being taken advantage of... don't accept the Deal and bring it to the Forums. Not to accuse, but to ask questions and learn. Because you don't know... and if you don't know, you shouldn't be making the Trade (just like Stocks, in a way).
Season 1, I was Trading because it was an Option. I had a plan with each Pick, but each Trade Offer was independent. Now, only 1 Season Later, all my Trades synergize with each other, all my Trades are aimed at one Over All Plan.
I say this because I feel a lot of new Owners don't have an Over All Plan, and just makes each Trade in a Vacuum. It helps to have a plan, and to use ALL your Trades in trying to execute the plan.