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Re: Trying to solve the trade dilemma

By GrandadB
8/07/2016 7:42 am
Brrexkl wrote:
I present to you Benny Worrell
and William Anderson

Benny Worrell is rated anywhere from 84/84 to 97/98 depending on how much you Weight his Speed (meaning you put the 'QB Stuff' on 100 Weight and you get a 97/98 QB).

95 INT 83 DISC
100 Accuracy 89 Arm Strength
100 Look Off 100 Field of Vision
98/100 Break Tackle 100 Ball Carrying 79/85 Avoid Fumble
69 Hard Count 84 Pass Release 76 Scramble Skill
4 Speed 36 Acceleration 45 Strength.

The dude scored on the Over All really well.

Now William Anderson. Rookie QB. 47/58 Rating.
56 INT 30 DISC
33/65 Pass Accuracy 38 Arm Strength
65/66 Look Off 31/83 Field of Vision
87 Break Tackle 50/74 Ball Carry 34/47 Avoid Fumble
21 Hard Count 63 Passing Release 22 Scramble Skill
98 Speed 30 Acceleration 100 Strength

Benny Worrell has really sweet Passing Abilities. William Anderson is Hot Garbage.

But I'm telling you right now... William Anderson will finish this Season better STATISTICALLY than Benny Worrell... and is already ahead of him.

The 58 is going to Produce on the Field better than the 84. The 58 has really bad QB Abilities and the 84 has really good ones. But William Anderson will be the better QB, despite being garbage. It's going to be close, and it's going to be ugly for both of them... but watch and see.

There is a KEY reason for this, one I didn't find out until I saw it with my very own eyes. I Traded Benny specifically to test this Theory, and Drafted a QB as bad as William Anderson to specifically test this Theory. Through Pre Season and Game 1 it's proving to be True for William, and I had Benny as my Starter for all of Last Season and the same issues seem to exist for him in Washington (so it's not just me failing to Game Plan him properly).

The morale of the story is, you have GOT to let Seaman being a High 80 go. Because he's not going to play as good as his Over All would suggest, and he's likely a better DE than SS despite what the Over All Ratings say.

Which is why your entire premise of why this is a Bad Deal falls apart.

Yeah, I dont doubt it a bit based on what I have come across on looking at rosters from both winning to average and losing teams. But that example really is amazing, there are no attributes that make any sense on that one.

Re: Trying to solve the trade dilemma

By Brrexkl
8/07/2016 7:44 am
Like I said, I might be the 2nd Coming of Ron Wolf... but I think the reality is that these are fairly obvious things you missed by not stepping back and seeing the big picture.

Tennessee fails on their 1st Round Pick because the guy looked fast on film when they scouted and now runs like he's got concrete shoes once he hits Camp.

They scramble to salvage Seaman by making him a Pass Rush DT that can grow on the bench behind more talented Pass Rush DTs already Starting.

Cincy sees this, and sees an opportunity. Moves a Speed CB (something Tennessee tried to Draft, Secondary Speed in Seaman which failed) and a Pass Block LT, AND a 2nd Rounder to Tennessee.

So now, for their 5th String DT, Tennessee has a Speed DB, PB LT and 2nd Round Pick. When you view it in that context... it's a grand slam of epic proportions. This is how Tennessee is viewing it.

On the flip side Cincy is talented and has Extra Picks... but has a need in Run Support Safety and a guy that can match up on Slow TE and Slow WR (most teams WR get Slower the lower on the Depth Chart). Some one with good Run Defense and Tackle, basically an Extra LB playing in the Secondary.

Well, that perfectly describes Seaman.

I actually think Tennessee 'Wins' this Trade, because of all the Value they got out of a 5th String DT. Now, can he get that CB to do the things he wanted Seaman to do, if so... he wins in a Landslide.

But it still has value for Cincy, who filled a need they had and is a more complete team for doing so.

Re: Trying to solve the trade dilemma

By raymattison21
8/07/2016 9:17 am
Brrexkl wrote:
I present to you Benny Worrell
and William Anderson

Benny Worrell is rated anywhere from 84/84 to 97/98 depending on how much you Weight his Speed

My weights have Worrell at a 78 and Anderson at a 62. You can manipulate them in order to have speed matter even more.

I had noticed several teams i had picked up (recently ) had good slow QBs on them. All the QBs being statistically depressing in out put , but had like 88 and higher default ratings.

I bet all of these prior owners that drafted these guys relatively high and expected success like Manning/Brady. Instead was losing season after season and some teams had plenty of busts and way worse trades.

On the contrary, as now alot of theses teams made the playoffs in one season and will be a championship contender soon. Flip it again and I routinely have very good regular season success with sub 60 -50 rated QBS also .

One commonality with these losing teams or the slow QBs was the lack of weapons. Drafting a few legit weapons (with speed) helped. To me slow QBs need a few line men and game breakers to be successful.

As with low rated faster QBS I have gotten away with 50 , 60 , low 70 rated linemen. Still , I don't think a 50 or maybe a 60 rated QB has won a super bowl in MFN. IDK.

Re: Trying to solve the trade dilemma

By Gustoon
8/07/2016 11:19 am
GrandadB wrote:
IHP3 wrote:
Grandad, you are too much. Who appointed you as the compass for right and wrong. This game like RL has winners and losers. The object of a trade is to improve your team. Let the buyer beware. Enough with the Socialism, Bernie!

No problem with winners & losers, for those who play the game fairly and honestly. The owners who put a lot of time on here and who have dominant teams have learned how to prey on newbs and apparently those who have had severely losing teams for several seasons and keep trading away top players for average players and low round draft picks. This isnt about socialism, lol, its about fair play, wait! Bernie got screwed big time by unfair DNC tactics, so I guess this game is reflective of politics, lol. OK then, lets open the doors for major screwing by those who know how to do so and like it that way.

Quite a shitty statement that, and I am a socialist.

Re: Trying to solve the trade dilemma

By WarEagle
8/07/2016 12:35 pm
I think I have been pretty successful and have built semi-dominant teams, but I don't prey on newbs.

Re: Trying to solve the trade dilemma

By Bryson10
8/07/2016 5:20 pm
The trades that are being discussed here are not newbs but players who've been playing many seasons. I never discriminate on who I trade with based on experience. Maybe I'll have to trade only with vets from now on so I don't see my trades being broke down like they would on the nfl network, lol

Re: Trying to solve the trade dilemma

By Brrexkl
8/07/2016 5:41 pm
As pertaining to Benny Worrell (or Slow QBs in General) I had thought about the Lack of Weapons. He's had some okay Seasons, but was very inconsistent overall.

He's part of why I took the Team, I saw a 92 Rated QB who was young. (on the Previous Owners Weights) and jumped on that. He was horrid, but I thought... maybe it's me. Maybe I jacked up the Offensive System or something.

Hence the Trade... give some one else a try with him. Results in Pre Season and Week 1 for Benny... haven't been good. And my Rookie QB, while making mistakes and putting some ***** into the ground... has already shown ability in both Pre Season and Week 1.

There is no world in when Benny Worrell should be a worse QB than William Anderson... yet here it is.

So New Players see a Trade, see the Over All Value... might even see the Positional Values... and think some one was fleeced because it look like Joe Montana or Ronnie Lott was traded for 'peanuts', not understanding this player is NOT Joe Montana or Ronnie Lott.

I think this is where a lot of the 'Taking advantage of New Players' is coming from, not having a proper perspective on what a Player will be able to do when viewing the Trade.

It's good to have these discussions as well, it's GOOD for Owners to learn these things... and sooner rather than later. Because we all love this game and want it to grow, and New Owners getting frustrated at these systems eventually just leave. So I love that this discussion has occurred.

The thing is, I'm new too. But I have a lot of Football background, and a lot of Game Knowledge... so it doesn't take me long to start to get a grasp. Which is why I said the things I pointed out are fairly obvious... you can't just look at a Trade Block, you have to step back and look at the Rosters, and have to try to put yourself in the mind of each Owner and what he was trying to accomplish.

But that takes time, so New Owners don't do that. They just look, see an 88 that was a 1st Rounder... and think some one is cheating.

So it's good for New Owners to see Threads like this. Of course, if one feels they are being taken advantage of... don't accept the Deal and bring it to the Forums. Not to accuse, but to ask questions and learn. Because you don't know... and if you don't know, you shouldn't be making the Trade (just like Stocks, in a way).

Season 1, I was Trading because it was an Option. I had a plan with each Pick, but each Trade Offer was independent. Now, only 1 Season Later, all my Trades synergize with each other, all my Trades are aimed at one Over All Plan.

I say this because I feel a lot of new Owners don't have an Over All Plan, and just makes each Trade in a Vacuum. It helps to have a plan, and to use ALL your Trades in trying to execute the plan.

Re: Trying to solve the trade dilemma

By GrandadB
8/07/2016 6:41 pm
Gustoon wrote:
GrandadB wrote:
IHP3 wrote:
Grandad, you are too much. Who appointed you as the compass for right and wrong. This game like RL has winners and losers. The object of a trade is to improve your team. Let the buyer beware. Enough with the Socialism, Bernie!

No problem with winners & losers, for those who play the game fairly and honestly. The owners who put a lot of time on here and who have dominant teams have learned how to prey on newbs and apparently those who have had severely losing teams for several seasons and keep trading away top players for average players and low round draft picks. This isnt about socialism, lol, its about fair play, wait! Bernie got screwed big time by unfair DNC tactics, so I guess this game is reflective of politics, lol. OK then, lets open the doors for major screwing by those who know how to do so and like it that way.

Quite a shitty statement that, and I am a socialist.

I agree Gus, and I apologize to the majority of managers who have viewed and posted in this thread and have provided their experience and knowledge on this subject and issue. I did preface the statement though, acknowledging those who do play the game honestly and ethically. Hopefully, this thread will be of use and benefit to both new players and existing players trying to figure out how best to improve their teams. So, I have to say that I am really glad that I began this thread, even though I opined about the subject w/o having experience. The "positives" that this thread has generated have been very valuable to me. Again, I apologize for any statement that offended, I have a learned a lot in the past couple of days that have had a strong impact on my opinions and thinking, thanks to this and the other related threads along with making new friends, has been well worth it whether I was "out of place" or not. Again, it is obviously a subject and issue that generates a lot of concern and interest. Thanks to you all, I look forward to playing this game with you.
Last edited at 8/07/2016 6:42 pm

Re: Trying to solve the trade dilemma

By tosu
8/08/2016 12:40 pm
Enough with the trade police. I'm not a big trader but just be busy about your own business and not so meddling.

We have a commissioner and don't need a bunch of rent-a-cops running around like they are some self- appointed gauge for the world of MFN.

I find this thread and the hypocritical fair play threads to be asinine. When I make a trade, I am out to improve my team, not make the other team better. The latter is the other owners responsibility. Anyone who has stated otherwise is either lying or stupid.

Right now the game is fun but with the thought processes here, that will soon end if some of you have your way.
Simply put, shut up and play

Last edited at 8/08/2016 12:42 pm

Re: Trying to solve the trade dilemma

By raymattison21
8/08/2016 4:10 pm
Bryson10 wrote:
The trades that are being discussed here are not newbs but players who've been playing many seasons. I never discriminate on who I trade with based on experience. Maybe I'll have to trade only with vets from now on so I don't see my trades being broke down like they would on the nfl network, lol

In active leagues it's hard to trade. In MFN 1, which is filled with vets, has not had a 1 st rounder traded in more than a month, and the last one busted .

Also, the latest draft pick trades of any value were traded by the same owner, a newer one who struggles record wise and is just hurting his team.IMO. Same pattern here, not caused by collusion but experienced gamers playing to win. Therefore exposing a hole in elite players demands regarding playing time , salary and several real life driving factors of why they play on a team.