I think what grandad is referring to by trades that don't make sense for NO or Pitt over the last few seasons have to do with draft pics.
Trades with Pitt
Chi trades 4-16, 7, 6, 6 For 3-1, 6
Chi trades 3, 6, 7 for 3
Chi trades 1, 2 for 1,2,4,5. Pitt was 2-4 chi was 5-1 when trade made
Chi trades 2-29 , 2, 3,4 for 2-1, 2, 3
Chi trades 1,2 for 1,2,3,5
Chi trades 1-32 ,3-10 for 1-1
Chi trades 1,4,5 for 1 in 2028 season
2 trades with NO other then almost retired players
Chi trades 5-23, 6-23, 7-23 for 3-6
Chi trades 1-32, 2-32, 6-32 7-32 for 1-6, 2-7
All I can say is good job by Chicago. With that said it's completely legal and he did nothing wrong but you can't justify these trades . It's more Pitt and NO fault then anyone's. I know I have made a deal or two like this and then went back and gave the team I traded with another trade which benefited him because I felt horrible after.
Like I said Bling hasn't done anything wrong except exploit new coaches. If he can feel alright with it then what can we do but forget about it and figure out ways to beat his teams .. It's possible