Here is an example of a team from other leagues in regards to trade values:
Team 1
33 less than 100
8 less than 10
1 over 1000 same guy is only guy over 2000
I am not sure the above will help you or not. This was pre free agency, but this team has won 2 championships and lost a 3rd. The trade meter is irrelevant except for newbies. The meter is set for a general default which goes along with general player weights. The most important aspect is player weights. I don't care what a players value is on the trade meter. If an owner has the right weights set for what he is trying to accomplish, he will win.
If you were posting questions about the trades it isn't a big deal. If I read them incorrectly, I apologize. I personally don't care what anyone thinks about my trades, good or bad. If someone has issue then take it through the process and have it overturned, but keep the opinions to whoever is giving them to themselves.