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Re: Why is Smirt attacked on message boards?

By Smirt211
5/28/2022 5:33 pm
The post had a copy and paste of what the Flat Zone did to me in MFN-23 with the 123% negative familiarity but I can't talk there or defend myself... it was a simple copy and paste of what the play did from a convo I didn't get to chime in the XFL.

I thought better of it and came here, so not to get thrown out of the XFL.

Re: Why is Smirt attacked on message boards?

By DaBalla
5/28/2022 5:54 pm
Cjfred68 wrote:
My main problem is this:


Bitching about an owner is all fine and good but serves no real purpose.

I remember a time when Smirt was relentlessly attacked across many forums for his punt blocking.

Many an owner demanding he be removed from leagues and found the punt block to be an ugly cheat/exploit...against everything this game stood for and asked him man to man to cease and desist.

Smirt told me personally he wouldn't stop using the punt block in any league where their wasn't a rule created to make it illegal...claiming he had to protect himself because everyone is out to get him.

I was personally attacked about a month after joining MFN by a gang of people in a thread that still exists called CJFRED NEEDS TO BE STOPPED TRADING or something similar...I'm sure you can search for it and still find it but I'm not gonna do that.

I was ridiculed, told how stupid I was and how I was ruining leagues!!! Most of them no longer play MFN and I have some of the most successful leagues in the history of MFN so you be the judge.

My point!!!!!!!

There are about 270 owners playing MFN....that's all!!! I went league by league and did an owners census. That's where I found the TPM league that had 18 owners who weren't in any other league. That's 18 owners I could recruit so I joined their league and joined their discord.

In reality Greg, the pure volume of communication in discord for that 1 league surpassed the level of all my leagues and the USFL combined by a ton. Discord is communication in real time and not like this antiquated forum.

I thought about switching my leagues to it but I haven't for a number of reasons and most have to do with time and energy which is waning as my health has declined over the past year.

The real irony is I've had at least 2 dozen requests to remove Smirt from my leagues over the years based on Smirts use of exploits and the way he talks to people in the Smirt hates how some owners are using exploits and the way they communicate with him!!!

So what's the endgame??? Boot any owner from TPM? Boot any owner that has used discord??? Boot any owner that uses an exploit??? Make a rule about using 1 defensive play?? Whose enforcing that rule??? 32 owners from TPM is over 10% of the total owners playing...should we avoid having any in our leagues???

Maybe Smirt should just publish a complete list of owners he doesn't like and we can systematically remove them from our leagues!!!!

This is a's suppose to be fun!!! I'm in 4 leagues and admin 3 of them...I play every game and have my fair share of success but if I lose or even win's just another result and I move on to the next game. I track with them...then spit them out in a way for everyone to enjoy...I do impartial weekly power rankings using a forumala to figure out what team is #1....I don't lose my **** if the stats don't show I'm the best...I just report the facts as they are tabulated.

None of my leagues have any rules besides fielding a real QB, K & P because this new version has so many issues....but that's where we are at and all we can do is make the best of it....or quit!!!!

It's no secret, the XFL is my pride and joy and I spend way too much time adding content but it's my life...what's left of it....and I do what makes me happy. I just posted in the XFL that I don't want negative post especially about other owners, especially owners in the XFL...this was told to everyone in public and to Smirt in private via PM.

This is what Smirt posted today:

Actually, I'll post in this in the USFL.

It was only a cut and paste of a play I went up against but I can be more in-depth there.

This was a not so subtle "screw you CJ" where he didn't post anything in my forum but pointed everyone in the right direction to find a negative post. The only thing it lacks is an actual link....very clever Smirt.....I considered booting you from the XFL because of it but decided in the end...why bother!

This will be my last post in MFN for a long time....I have to worry about my health and simply asking nicely for owners to refrain from all the negativity in my forums was asking too much...especially in Smirts case.

It's been fun, for the most part playing all of you and I will continue to manage my teams for as long as possible but my forum days are over!



Well put CJ

Re: Why is Smirt attacked on message boards?

By Bruno77
5/28/2022 6:25 pm
Smirt, I'd like to address a couple of your points in earnest:

1) No one in our Discord community genuinely hates you or acts with malice toward you. There is a lot more s*it talk but it's all fun and games and no one takes anything seriously. It really is just a game for us on that side of the coin, between all the copypastas, jokes, memes, etc. The only negative thing anyone has to say about you is that you take things super personally. Regardless, you are extremely respected as an MFN owner for what you have done in the game, no one can take that away from you.

2) I agree that OLB Flat Zone spamming sucks, at this point I do it in most cases because I am either too lazy given what I do IRL (TPM, Major League Football), have terrible injury luck (Beastmode), or have needed to rebuild (XFL, Quick/Dead). I have been experimenting with my defensive gameplans more in PFL/now IPFL (a league where I do not even have it in my playbook while holding Legend to a record low in total net yards) if you look at my game logs because I do not want to rely on OLB Flat Zone spamming. It is a very beatable strategy (see tough in TPM he knows how to beat it very well), I have yet to beat certain owners with it, like CJ/yourself/dbm, so I am gradually (on my own timeline) trying to develop my own new base defensive gameplan that can get me more titles.

I join these leagues because I like the roster-building aspect (part of my job IRL, but with soccer instead of football) and really only log on to take a gander at the forums once in a while or do whatever I need to do for roster transactions. The 4.6 engine sucks so that's all I look forward to.
Last edited at 5/28/2022 6:26 pm

Re: Why is Smirt attacked on message boards?

By Smirt211
5/28/2022 6:37 pm
I railed on Da Balla because I think lost in the shuffle is how massively damaging the Flat Zone stream is on the person who gets inflicted with it.

Someone can pull the game up in MFN-23 and view it from my POV (remembering the -123% negative familiarity) I hit off 92 plays and had the ball for 42 minutes. I bang bang bang on every drive but like the new commercial out there 'shingles doesn't care.' lol The engine doesn't care. By the 3rd Quarter when I started getting the over-use penalties I was yelling at the screen - DON'T REWARD HIM. F***ing ridiculous - it's rewarding him. Even though I banged out on him with drive after drive it took me getting turnover after turnover to win.

Fall-out: My roster got destroyed with injuries due to hitting the brick wall of the Flat Zone over and over and over. You watch the game from my team's POV you can see how garbage the Flat Zone stream is and the effects.

Last edited at 5/28/2022 6:38 pm

Re: Why is Smirt attacked on message boards?

By Mcarovil
5/29/2022 8:22 am
Brother. You’ve been around a long time. You know how MFN goes. Someone finds a play/exploit/override that is successful. Fair/unfair whatever. They use it religiously. Others either catch on and follow suit. Some, not you, conspire with a few friends to dominate a make believe game in a make believe league cause it feels good I guess. Some old some new owners get tired of it and leave MFN all together. Then it either gets nerfed by the mysterious JBD or gets black listed in leagues. That my friend is the life cycle of MFN.

This game isn’t made well enough, no dig on JBD, it’s free and he’s got other priorities, to prevent any of the above. It’s solely up to league admins to make it fun. Greg, CJ and a few others have been fantastic at trying to keep it interesting enough to retain and hopefully attract new owners.

That said, enjoy the holiday weekend and I’m sure we will come across a WR at RB soon enough.

Smirt211 wrote:
I railed on Da Balla because I think lost in the shuffle is how massively damaging the Flat Zone stream is on the person who gets inflicted with it.

Someone can pull the game up in MFN-23 and view it from my POV (remembering the -123% negative familiarity) I hit off 92 plays and had the ball for 42 minutes. I bang bang bang on every drive but like the new commercial out there 'shingles doesn't care.' lol The engine doesn't care. By the 3rd Quarter when I started getting the over-use penalties I was yelling at the screen - DON'T REWARD HIM. F***ing ridiculous - it's rewarding him. Even though I banged out on him with drive after drive it took me getting turnover after turnover to win.

Fall-out: My roster got destroyed with injuries due to hitting the brick wall of the Flat Zone over and over and over. You watch the game from my team's POV you can see how garbage the Flat Zone stream is and the effects.

Last edited at 5/29/2022 8:23 am

Re: Why is Smirt attacked on message boards?

By MoonPygg
5/30/2022 4:55 am
[quote="Smirt211"]Blondie has hinted at this, what I'm about to get into. But first, I'm ok with limited defensive play calls. I do it to survive and I have deep strategy in employing it.

The Essential 1-Play Flat Zone Stream - I'm not ok with. Here's why.

It rewards the cheater and/or a person who is not putting in the work and is attempting to short-cut to victory. I didn't delve into this deeply but at the surface I'm seeing Da Balla 4-0....Bruno undefeated here and there. How does it cheat?

Well, you saw I came out of the game I posted with 123% negative familiarity. Most I ever saw before it was like -80% and between -50-60% when someone leaned on it vs. me such as Ray in Champions.

You hit a point in the game when the cheater has thrown the Flat Zone at you 50x and now each pass play you attempt gets a warning about over-use and the cheater gets sh*t. Every pass play will buoy him/drown you. If you expand out your pass play calls now you have small % usage passes vs. an Incredible Hulk'd Flat Zone, which will make you intercept or your receiver fumble. You have to pound your heavily used plays, taut to survive.

It rewards the cheater and pounds you into negative % **** - deeper levels than Dante's Inferno.

Love me/hate me, like me/don't like me - it's bad. Worst thing ever in the game.

Last edited at 5/30/2022 5:09 am