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Re: Why is Smirt attacked on message boards?

By raidergreg69 - League Admin
5/28/2022 3:54 pm
I wouldn't know who is or isn't a discord person. Am I? I'm on discord a lot, but for NFT stuff not this. Idk why a league would need a discord anyway, we already have discussion forums here.

If a discord person joins this league, they will be expected to behave appropriately here just like everyone else.

Re: Why is Smirt attacked on message boards?

By Legendruthless
5/28/2022 3:56 pm
Instead of the forums, there are a few leagues where discord is the main communication. They believe it is better for trading and mass communication.

Re: Why is Smirt attacked on message boards?

By Legendruthless
5/28/2022 3:56 pm
Warthog wrote:
Is there a link to this discord site that I could check it out?

If you join one of the leagues you get the discord link.

Re: Why is Smirt attacked on message boards?

By raidergreg69 - League Admin
5/28/2022 4:01 pm
Legendruthless wrote:
Instead of the forums, there are a few leagues where discord is the main communication. They believe it is better for trading and mass communication.

If they say so. It's hard enough to get to everyone here at MFN, I can't imagine it's easier to have everyone here go someplace else to chat, but that's just me.

Re: Why is Smirt attacked on message boards?

By raidergreg69 - League Admin
5/28/2022 4:03 pm
I could see using it for record keeping and tracking All Pro teams and such. I like discord myself for what I use it for, just not sure about trying to reach people 2 different ways.

Re: Why is Smirt attacked on message boards?

By Legendruthless
5/28/2022 4:03 pm
I personally do find it easier on discord. Just because of the mobile option, I don't use MFN on my phone. I mean forums I do but nothing else. Discord is easier to send messages.

The other problem is some people don't log in for a couple of days and won't see new messages if they aren't subscribed to the thread.

But also discord can sometimes become too much conversation and real conversation gets buried. But they tried to create channels to help with that.

Re: Why is Smirt attacked on message boards?

By Legendruthless
5/28/2022 4:04 pm
raidergreg69 wrote:
I could see using it for record keeping and tracking All Pro teams and such. I like discord myself for what I use it for, just not sure about trying to reach people 2 different ways.

I know they do power rankings and awards in there. They have a channel for each.

Re: Why is Smirt attacked on message boards?

By Mcarovil
5/28/2022 4:35 pm
I dont know most of these people and honestly the best way to deal with that is coming to the realization that’s it’s just a game. A game. I used to be a competitive owner. Now I don’t care and I don’t lose sleep.

Re: Why is Smirt attacked on message boards?

By Legendruthless
5/28/2022 4:36 pm
Mcarovil wrote:
I dont know most of these people and honestly the best way to deal with that is coming to the realization that’s it’s just a game. A game. I used to be a competitive owner. Now I don’t care and I don’t lose sleep.

That is how I see it. I just play to have fun and don't care what others are doing or saying.

Re: Why is Smirt attacked on message boards?

By Cjfred68
5/28/2022 5:28 pm
My main problem is this:


Bitching about an owner is all fine and good but serves no real purpose.

I remember a time when Smirt was relentlessly attacked across many forums for his punt blocking.

Many an owner demanding he be removed from leagues and found the punt block to be an ugly cheat/exploit...against everything this game stood for and asked him man to man to cease and desist.

Smirt told me personally he wouldn't stop using the punt block in any league where their wasn't a rule created to make it illegal...claiming he had to protect himself because everyone is out to get him.

I was personally attacked about a month after joining MFN by a gang of people in a thread that still exists called CJFRED NEEDS TO BE STOPPED TRADING or something similar...I'm sure you can search for it and still find it but I'm not gonna do that.

I was ridiculed, told how stupid I was and how I was ruining leagues!!! Most of them no longer play MFN and I have some of the most successful leagues in the history of MFN so you be the judge.

My point!!!!!!!

There are about 270 owners playing MFN....that's all!!! I went league by league and did an owners census. That's where I found the TPM league that had 18 owners who weren't in any other league. That's 18 owners I could recruit so I joined their league and joined their discord.

In reality Greg, the pure volume of communication in discord for that 1 league surpassed the level of all my leagues and the USFL combined by a ton. Discord is communication in real time and not like this antiquated forum.

I thought about switching my leagues to it but I haven't for a number of reasons and most have to do with time and energy which is waning as my health has declined over the past year.

The real irony is I've had at least 2 dozen requests to remove Smirt from my leagues over the years based on Smirts use of exploits and the way he talks to people in the Smirt hates how some owners are using exploits and the way they communicate with him!!!

So what's the endgame??? Boot any owner from TPM? Boot any owner that has used discord??? Boot any owner that uses an exploit??? Make a rule about using 1 defensive play?? Whose enforcing that rule??? 32 owners from TPM is over 10% of the total owners playing...should we avoid having any in our leagues???

Maybe Smirt should just publish a complete list of owners he doesn't like and we can systematically remove them from our leagues!!!!

This is a's suppose to be fun!!! I'm in 4 leagues and admin 3 of them...I play every game and have my fair share of success but if I lose or even win's just another result and I move on to the next game. I track with them...then spit them out in a way for everyone to enjoy...I do impartial weekly power rankings using a forumala to figure out what team is #1....I don't lose my **** if the stats don't show I'm the best...I just report the facts as they are tabulated.

None of my leagues have any rules besides fielding a real QB, K & P because this new version has so many issues....but that's where we are at and all we can do is make the best of it....or quit!!!!

It's no secret, the XFL is my pride and joy and I spend way too much time adding content but it's my life...what's left of it....and I do what makes me happy. I just posted in the XFL that I don't want negative post especially about other owners, especially owners in the XFL...this was told to everyone in public and to Smirt in private via PM.

This is what Smirt posted today:

Actually, I'll post in this in the USFL.

It was only a cut and paste of a play I went up against but I can be more in-depth there.

This was a not so subtle "screw you CJ" where he didn't post anything in my forum but pointed everyone in the right direction to find a negative post. The only thing it lacks is an actual link....very clever Smirt.....I considered booting you from the XFL because of it but decided in the end...why bother!

This will be my last post in MFN for a long time....I have to worry about my health and simply asking nicely for owners to refrain from all the negativity in my forums was asking too much...especially in Smirts case.

It's been fun, for the most part playing all of you and I will continue to manage my teams for as long as possible but my forum days are over!
