Xposted from Big Data. Found something truly obnoxious with 4.6, which helps to explain why passing is so bad. All of this is purely observational, but it appears to happen each time with at least one of the most common passing plays.
Sample play: HB Flare
Running back route: Wheel right
4.5 goodness: Total exploit. Put the fastest guy you got at RB and pick up chunk yards.
What's the deal in 4.6?
4.6 added a chip block where the RB reads a blitzing LB and runs blitz pickup ... apparently. I say apparently because who knows what changes were made in 4.6 because there is no documentation.
What I do know is that if you LB blitz (not sure about CBs yet) the HB Flare, the RB abandons the route and sprints at the blitzing LB. What this means is you can basically neutralize the RB routes in the Flare by blitzing it. Every. Single. Time.
This causes the QB to switch to the second read - WR3 and third read - TE, and less often the WR1 and WR2 short goes but those passes are dropped a lot.
Exploiting this exploit?
1) On defense - Simple. Blitz the 113 out of a base defense and make sure you know who is covering the WR3.
2) On offense - Park your fastest, best pass blocking RB at RB in the 113 Shotgun. And override your WR3 with your best Speed+Route+Catch at WR3.
Pretty sure blitzing other passing plays that focus on the RB - 203 FL Post, 212 Max Protect, etc. - will also neutralize the RB. Which probably explains why all the Long Passing plays like the 113 All Go, 212 All Go, and 122 Waggle that go to the RB as a primary target no longer work.
ADDENDUM: Realize it's absolutely stupid that the RB blocks the LB on these plays since the LB will rarely get the sack...
Last edited at 1/21/2022 8:23 am