King of Bling wrote:
You will always have complainers. I was once walking into a grocery store and a guy declined a coupon for a free Dominoes Pizza. The man giving out the tickets asked the potential patron if he wanted a free coupon and the patron said, "no there has to be a catch'. When informed it was a promotion and there was no catch, the patron complained that 'he wished he could just go into the store without getting harassed'?!
There are tools no matter where you go or what the situation. MFN is a lot of fun and I for one, appreciate it. If you don't like it, feel free to spend your time elsewhere.
Ha ha had a similar thing happen with a work colleague. after a Christmas party we went to McDonald's and my workmate asked for a burger, fries and a drink, the guy serving said do you want that as a meal (saving him money) and my workmate said no. The guy serving tried to explain and my dumb *** workmate still insisted that he didn't want the money saving option.
As KoB said, there are just complainers that you just can't tell, no matter how much rationale you throw at it.
The guy and me made eye contact and exchanged the 'unbelievable' face.