raymattison21 wrote:
Brrexkl wrote:
I like it. I makes sense as well. You are more effective in real life with a Play that you know, and against a Play you recognize and/or practiced against, than you are on a Play you don't know.
But as it stands, it's just way to much for me to go, check every Play a guy knows, and then compare that to my Play Book... even a Rookie I Drafted to my own Team.
Most Teams only run a handful of Plays in actuality, but they mask it by running that Play from a variety of formations. Now, other Teams have a plethora of plays and more complex concepts, but to each their own in that regard.
I mean in reality the HB Dive Strong from the I Form, I Strong and I Weak... it's the exact same play. The only difference is the route the FB takes to Lead the Run. Same would go with something like an Shallow Flood out of each... nothing really changes between those 3 Formations. This is so a Team can master a Play, but disguise it to a Defense by being able to run it in 3 Different 'Fronts' or 'Looks'.
But that's neither here nor there on the current discussion of denoting Team Play Book and Active Plays on a Player's Play Knowledge Page.
Each positions rules within the assignments change as formations match formations. Most of the time they are completely different rules that player will have to follow. It should not always carry over like here.
In addition our game can be exploited by changes positions.
All together IRL the guy would have to learn complete different assignments and specific rules based on how others line up. We're talking inches changes what the player should do.
Its not as simple as jdb or you put it.
In the situation of the Weak, Strong and I it IS as simple as I'm making it.
Same for various Ace Formations.
In the case of a HB Dive Strong in any Base I (Strong, Weak and I), the only guy doing anything any differently is the FB. He has to change his angle to the hole to Lead (in a standard variation with no Pulling Lineman).
Assignments in this situation only change to counter the Defensive Formation... which is going to have to happen regardless of the Formation you are in.
If you can run the HB Dive Strong... you can run it from the I, the Strong I or the Weak I. Doesn't matter, same player and the only Formational Difference is a shift of the FB.
You take an Ace HB Off Tackle... everyone is going to be doing the same thing by and large. The differences will be with the TE/WR, as being off the line (4 Wide) versus being on the line (1 TE or 2 TE) will change things. But for the Lineman and the Running Back it's virtually the exact same play.
But let's visit this for a minute. If the TE flexes out to make a 4 Wide, isn't of blocking out he's now blocking down (and likely on the same player he was blocking before, probably the OLB or S/NB on his side). It's not like he had to learn an entirely new play here. If inside... kick the guy out. If outside... block the guy in. It's not Rocket Science, it's essentially the same play.
What I believe you are talking about is matching your blocking to the Defensive Front... but that's going to happen regardless. Doesn't matter if the FB is on the Weak, Strong or Neutral... if he's the Lead through the Hole, he's going to the same place and just taking a slightly different route to get there.
Now what a Coach CAN do, he can have the FB block the back side and send the LG pulling Strong to lead the RB in the Weak and I, and in the Strong he can instead lead with the FB (who will be closer to the Lead and further from sealing the back side). In this scenario you have the Same Play (HB Dive Strong) that would require a different Blocking Scheme due to YOUR Formation. But I specified that I was talking about a base HB Dive Strong, not employing any Pulls. So in my scenario it's literally he exact same play with the only 'variation' being the angle the FB takes to Lead to the Hole.
Can you make plays more Complex? Absolutely. And those plays wouldn't be grouped in the same way a HB Dive Strong out of each Base I would be, or the way a Flood Strong FB Flat would be ran out of each Base I Formation.
But again, NONE of this has anything at all to do with the actual Suggestion... which is seeing Team Plays and Active Plays marked on the Player's Play Book Knowledge page.