Hey Tecra, I hear what you're saying. I think what we have to remember is that everybody has different personalities. I, for example, honestly wouldn't care if the game never changed, I like it the way it is. At the same time, I'm always happy when it's improved. I'm generally a contented type of person, I've been accused of being an optimist.
Sometimes I wince at some of the comments made about the code, and I worry that JDB is going to freak out and quit. My favorite quote is when Setherick called one of the aspects of the code 'obnoxious', hahahahahahh!! It's true that some of the guy's bedside manner could be better, (and I do wish they would work on being more polite) one thing cannot be denied: Everybody really loves this game and wants this game to be the best in can possibly be. This includes Setherick, JDB, all of us.
I compete with Setherick and lose to him on a regular basis. He's a stand-up guy.His observations about the game are listened to and the squeaky wheel gets the grease. It's not a bad thing, if everyone were like you and me, the game would never get better. Having guys talk about the games weaknesses makes it better.
Like has been said, I trust JDB. He seems like a remarkably composed guy that takes the chatter in stride, and makes appropriate changes. And he has the humility to listen to the **** and accept that things aren't perfect. And it's a REALLY GREAT GAME! Hat's off to JDB.