I am only mildly surprised he's not unanimous, although I personally feel he should have been. I am shocked that only 17/20 have voted for him, but that goes with the territory. This is a democratic process, people are free to vote for whomever they choose, even if most would disagree with their choice.
NFL HOF vote tallies are not made public but MLB votes are, and they have never had a unanimous selection, not Babe Ruth, not Hank Aaron, and not even Ken Griffey Jr, although he came the closest.
The fact of the matter is there is no special distinction for being a unanimous selection, and once the All Pro Team is etched in stone at the blog, all it will say is Mark Hsu was an All Pro WR in 1993. He's gonna make it for sure, he's 6 votes ahead of #2 Mark Glenn.
There could be several reasons to not vote for Hsu, despite such a historic season.
- The players are listed randomly, which could lead to someone accidentally skipping over him
- Voting for their own player (totally acceptable BTW), leaving just 1 spot
- Division Rivalry/Bias against San Jose...perhaps a division foe is sick of Hsu burning him all the time, so to heck with voting for him. Perhaps voters are punishing Hsu for Holly leaving?
- Drunk/distracted voting...Maybe someone was watching a movie or a sporting event on TV while they were voting or perhaps they were having a few drinks and started mashing buttons, it happens.