I have considered it in other leagues - specifically in beta code.
But to be fair, the only reason I haven't done it yet is because I haven't actually thought about it before. I'm constantly trying new things on offense, and this is on a Someday/Maybe list of things to try.
I obviously don't want to try it in this league where it would be exploited by the defense.
FYI to Fred's point above. I don't have the links to JDB's comments anymore, but a few years back (and after I had written the basic defensive guide about pass keying), JDB made a comment about Run/Pass Keys.
The main thing that keying does is dictate whether or not the defense is going to bite on the PA fake. That's really about it. There should be an in game bonus to defense, but it's not big enough to matter.
And since the defense auto-keys after they have seen the same play 3 times anyway, there is no reason not to just set your defensive keying to Pass Key 100% of the time so that you're never going to get burned by the PA fake.
Update: Actually I should just update this part of the original guide.
Pass/Run Keying
In v.0.3.x-0.4.1 keying was key to a good defense. Now, you don't need it. Really. Hear me out.
The play overuse penalty does something interesting in the backend of the defensive code: it overrides whatever key you put in to the correct key for the offensive play. Think about it. Let it sink in. What does that mean?
It means that your base defensive playbook should use all Neutral key because once your opponent starts overusing one of their plays, the defense is just going to adjust anyway.
The only time you should change your key is on your all passing plays defensive rule and maybe some other rules below.
Last edited at 12/23/2020 1:11 pm