For the new owners: Commish Rankings are strictly stat based. I rank points for, points against, rush yards per carry offense/defense, pass yards per play offense/defense, penalty yds per game and turnover margiin. Penalties and turnovers count half as much as the rest.
To everyone: These rankings are based on 1987 only, nothing from previous seasons or preseason is factored in.
Week 1 Commish Rankings (1986 ranking)1) Memphis 44 (1)
2) Baltimore 59.5 (T-4)
3) New Orleans 62.5 (6)
4) Houston 68 (T-4)
5) Michigan 77 (10)
6) Cleveland 78 (15)
7) Portland 79 (19)
8) Oakland 82 (20)
9) Washington 82.5 (2)
10) Tampa Bay 83 (24)
11) New Jersey 84.5 (8)
12) Birmingham 88.5 (9)
13) Pittsburgh 90.5 (17)
14) Jacksonville 94.5 (21)
15) Shreveport 98 (23)
16) Chicago 107 (29)
17) Oklahoma 120.5 (11)
18) Georgia 125 (3)
19) Los Angeles 127.5 (22)
20) Philadelphia 133.5 (25)
TIE Florida 134.5 (T-13)
TIE Charlotte 134.5 (32)
23) Orlando 141 (26)
24) San Jose 143 (31)
25) Arizona 144 (7)
26) Honolulu 151 (T-13)
27) San Antonio 153 (28)
28) Southern California 154.5 (16)
29) Detroit 158 (30)
30) Denver 166.5 (12)
31) (NY) Stars 176.5 (18)
32) Boston 188.5 (27)
Week 1 Division Ranking(1986 Rank)1) Atlantic 367 (3)
2) South 374 (1)
3) Southwest 385.5 (2)
4) Midwest 420 (7)
5) Southeast 453 (6)
6) West 471.5 (4)
7) Pacific 576 (8)
8) East 583 (5)