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1987 Commish Rankings

By raidergreg69 - League Admin
1/15/2020 12:35 pm
For the new owners: Commish Rankings are strictly stat based. I rank points for, points against, rush yards per carry offense/defense, pass yards per play offense/defense, penalty yds per game and turnover margiin. Penalties and turnovers count half as much as the rest.

To everyone: These rankings are based on 1987 only, nothing from previous seasons or preseason is factored in.

Week 1 Commish Rankings (1986 ranking)

1) Memphis 44 (1)
2) Baltimore 59.5 (T-4)
3) New Orleans 62.5 (6)
4) Houston 68 (T-4)
5) Michigan 77 (10)
6) Cleveland 78 (15)
7) Portland 79 (19)
8) Oakland 82 (20)
9) Washington 82.5 (2)
10) Tampa Bay 83 (24)
11) New Jersey 84.5 (8)
12) Birmingham 88.5 (9)
13) Pittsburgh 90.5 (17)
14) Jacksonville 94.5 (21)
15) Shreveport 98 (23)
16) Chicago 107 (29)
17) Oklahoma 120.5 (11)
18) Georgia 125 (3)
19) Los Angeles 127.5 (22)
20) Philadelphia 133.5 (25)
21) TIE Florida 134.5 (T-13)
21) TIE Charlotte 134.5 (32)
23) Orlando 141 (26)
24) San Jose 143 (31)
25) Arizona 144 (7)
26) Honolulu 151 (T-13)
27) San Antonio 153 (28)
28) Southern California 154.5 (16)
29) Detroit 158 (30)
30) Denver 166.5 (12)
31) (NY) Stars 176.5 (18)
32) Boston 188.5 (27)

Week 1 Division Ranking(1986 Rank)

1) Atlantic 367 (3)
2) South 374 (1)
3) Southwest 385.5 (2)
4) Midwest 420 (7)
5) Southeast 453 (6)
6) West 471.5 (4)
7) Pacific 576 (8)
8) East 583 (5)

Re: 1987 Commish Rankings

By raidergreg69 - League Admin
1/17/2020 4:44 pm
Week 2 Rankings (Last Week)

1) Birmingham 57 (12)
2) Baltimore 57.5 (2)
3) Memphis 58 (1)
4) Portland 59 (7)
5) Oakland 61 (8)
6) Pittsburgh 65 (13)
7) New Jersey 72.5 (11)
8) Houston 88.5 (4)
9) Cleveland 89 (6)
10) Jacksonville 93 (14)
11) Michigan 93.5 (5)
12) Shreveport 101.5 (15)
13) TIE New Orleans 105 (3)
13) TIE Washington 105 (9)
15) Tampa Bay 105.5 (10)
16) Georgia 107 (18)
17) TIE Arizona 116 (25)
17) TIE Detroit 116 (29)
19) Honolulu 119.5 (26)
20) Florida 120.5 (T-21)
21) Philadelphia 129 (20)
22) Orlando 136.5 (23)
23) Oklahoma 143 (17)
24) Chicago 144 (16)
25) Southern California 147.5 (28)
26) TIE Denver 149 (30)
26) TIE Charlotte 149 (T-21)
28) San Antonio 154 (27)
29) San Jose 162 (24)
30) Los Angeles 170 (19)
31) (NY) Stars 182 (31)
32) Boston 194.5 (32)

Divisional Rankings (Last Week)

1) South 370.5 (2)
2) Atlantic 376.5 (1)
3) West 385 (6)
4) Midwest 442.5 (4)
5) Southwest 443.5 (3)
6) Southeast ***.5 (5)
7) East 578 (8)
8) Pacific 599 (7)

Re: 1987 Commish Rankings

By raidergreg69 - League Admin
1/20/2020 3:46 pm
Week 3 Rankings (Last Week)

1) New Jersey 37.5 (7)
2) Baltimore 58.5 (2)
3) Memphis 64 (3)
4) Portland 71.5 (4)
5) Oakland 74.5 (5)
6) Birmingham 75 (1)
7) Michigan 79 (11)
8) Cleveland 87 (9)
9) Jacksonville 92.5 (10)
10) Houston 93 (8)
11) Washington 100.5 (T-13)
12) Pittsburgh 101 (6)
13) Georgia 104 (16)
14) New Orleans 106 (T-13)
15) Shreveport 108 (12)
16) Tampa Bay 117.5 (15)
17) Chicago 118 (24)
18) TIE Honolulu 118.5 (19)
18) TIE Detroit 118.5 (T-17)
20) Southern California 123.5 (25)
21) Philadelphia 130.5 (21)
22) Arizona 134 (T-17)
23) Orlando 136 (22)
24) TIE Denver 141 (T-26)
24) TIE Oklahoma 141 (23)
26) Florida 144.5 (20)
27) San Antonio 145 (28)
28) Charlotte 150 (T-26)
29) (NY) Stars 158 (31)
30) San Jose 162.5 (29)
31) Los Angeles 166 (30)
32) Boston 207 (32)

Divisional Rankings (Last Week)

1) South 393 (1)
2) Midwest 402.5 (4)
3) Atlantic 410 (2)
4) West 421 (3)
5) Southwest 443 (5)
6) Southeast 490.5 (6)
7) East 533 (7)
8) Pacific 570.5 (8)
Last edited at 1/20/2020 3:46 pm

Re: 1987 Commish Rankings

By raidergreg69 - League Admin
1/23/2020 10:43 pm
Week 4 coming soon, not feeling well today, had to get one of my cars fixed (new battery), had some company, still have 3 game plans to do, etc. Working on them now and they'll be finished by game time, but it's 50/50 if they get posted by then. So glad I chose to do the blog first for Week 4 because it wouldn't get done tonight the way I feel.

Re: 1987 Commish Rankings

By raidergreg69 - League Admin
1/24/2020 12:47 am
Week 4 Rankings (Last Week)

1) New Jersey 31 (1)
2) TIE Memphis 64.5 (3)
2) TIE New Orleans 64.5 (14)
4) Baltimore 68.5 (2)
5) Jacksonville 72.5 (9)
6) Portland 76 (4)
7) Birmingham 79.5 (6)
8) Michigan 80 (7)
9) Oakland 89 (5)
10) Cleveland 90.5 (8)
11) Honolulu 96 (T-18)
12) Chicago 101.5 (17)
13) Tampa Bay 103 (16)
14) Houston 104.5 (10)
15) TIE Arizona 110.5 (22)
15) TIE Washington 110.5 (11)
17) TIE Detroit 115.5 (T-18)
17) TIE Georgia 115.5 (13)
19) Southern California 117 (20)
20) Pittsburgh 117.5 (12)
21) Philadelphia 131 (21)
22) Charlotte 132 (28)
23) Oklahoma 134.5 (T-24)
24) Denver 137 (T-24)
25) (NY) Stars 142.5 (29)
26) Orlando 147.5 (23)
27) San Jose 158.5 (30)
28) Florida 159.5 (26)
29) San Antonio 165.5 (27)
30) Shreveport 168.5 (15)
31) Los Angeles 172.5 (31)
32) Boston 203.5 (32)

Division Rankings (Last Week)

1) Midwest 387.5 (2)
2) West 412.5 (4)
3) South 428 (1)
4) Atlantic 428.5 (3)
5) Southwest 469 (5)
6) Southeast 482.5 (6)
7) East 508 (7)
8) Pacific 544 (8)

Re: 1987 Commish Rankings

By AlexanDragon
1/24/2020 8:23 am
Jeez Louise the west is strong. 3 teams at 4-1 *jaw drops*

Re: 1987 Commish Rankings

By vcr5150
1/24/2020 5:58 pm
AlexanDragon wrote:
Jeez Louise the west is strong. 3 teams at 4-1 *jaw drops*

No kidding - I look on my remaining schedule and see I have 6 games remaining on my schedule that are 4-1 ...... and I've already played 2 teams that are 4-1, and another that is 5-0. So 9 games against teams with a win % of .800 or better.

When does the list of next year's draft come out?

Re: 1987 Commish Rankings

By raidergreg69 - League Admin
1/25/2020 8:00 am
The West is on fire and if the season ended today, your division would get both wildcards. I'll work on the rankings/blog tomorrow and Sunday, just got done doing my taxes online and now it's dinfast time. Yeah, I know it's technically Saturday but it's still Friday to me and dinfast is like breakfast, except with dinner food. I'm about to have a ribeye and steak fries.

Re: 1987 Commish Rankings

By raidergreg69 - League Admin
1/25/2020 5:51 pm
Week 5 Rankings (Last Week)

1) New Jersey 56.5 (1)
2) Memphis 59.5 (T-2)
3) Baltimore 60 (4)
4) New Orleans 67 (T-2)
5) Cleveland 68 (10)
6) Portland 71 (6)
7) Birmingham 80.5 (7)
8) Washington 85 (T-15)
9) Michigan 88 (8)
10) Jacksonville 89 (5)
11) Oakland 91 (9)
12) Houston 93 (14)
13) Tampa Bay 102.5 (13)
14) Honolulu 106 (11)
15) Arizona 115.5 (T-15)
16) Southern California 121.5 (19)
17) Georgia 123 (T-17)
18) Oklahoma 124.5 (23)
19) Chicago 125 (12)
20) Detroit 127 (T-17)
21) Denver 129.5 (24)
22) Philadelphia 130 (21)
23) Pittsburgh 130.5 (20)
24) (NY) Stars 133 (25)
25) Orlando 138.5 (26)
26) Charlotte 140 (22)
27) Los Angeles 159 (31)
28) San Antonio 161.5 (29)
29) Shreveport 164 (30)
30) San Jose 164.5 (27)
31) Florida 166 (28)
32) Boston 201.5 (32)

Division Ranking (Last Week)

1) West 407 (2)
2) Midwest 408 (1)
3) Atlantic 415.5 (4)
4) South 434.5 (3)
5) Southwest 438.5 (5)
6) Southeast 496 (6)
7) East 521 (7)
8) Pacific 551 (8)
Last edited at 1/25/2020 5:52 pm

Re: 1987 Commish Rankings

By raidergreg69 - League Admin
1/28/2020 12:16 pm
Week 6 coming later this afternoon, taking a break after finishing the blog.