I owe you, as well as the other owners of teams in the league, an apology for my actions. They were not very professional nor competent of a successful player or person.
The reasons for my actions were brought on from frustration, annoyance, disappointment, and anger from personal events and happenings in real life as well as in this game. I will not go into details, because I was taught that everyone has problems, some worse off than mine, and people don't want to hear about others problems. And I also was taught asking for help is a sign of weakness when, in fact, as I have recently been informed, and now realize, that not asking for help is the true sign of weakness.
It is not right or correct for me to take out my frustrations from my past, present, and future failures on people and relationships that are close to me. This includes my wife of 35 years, my two children, my five grandchildren, members of this league, as well as you, the commissioner of this league, whom within the last month it seems I have pushed away in a state of denial. I just have to accept that my expectations for things in my life are just set too high, therefore I will always be set up for failure.
I truly hope you as well as the other members of the league can forgive me for my actions.