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Main - League News/General Discussion

Discussion: Game Sim Days

By tribewriter
6/04/2018 1:11 pm
Our league sim currently runs at 1:49 a.m. Eastern Time on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Is that good for you folks, or would a Monday/Wednesday/Friday sim be more convenient?

The topic came into my mind because all four leagues of which I am a member are running their sims on Monday night or Tuesday morning. That is not likely to be the case for everyone, or at least I think not.

We had a discussion on the time of the sim a couple seasons ago and the league membership was very much in favor of retaining the early morning sim, so that is not on the table at this time.

Give an opinion if you have one. I don't plan to put this to a vote unless we have overwhelming support for one side or the other.

Re: Discussion: Game Sim Days

By raidergreg69 - League Admin
6/04/2018 1:16 pm
For one thing, our days may change with the change we made to the preseason, idrk. If not, I would prefer we switch days. Most of my leagues alternate, one season it's one set of days, the next season it's the other days.

This league always runs on my work nights and I often feel rushed in my game planning.

Re: Discussion: Game Sim Days

By mwd65
6/04/2018 7:22 pm
I would prefer to keep the sim days the same. I am heavy on Mon/Wed/Fri games right now. Although, with some of the leagues having trouble getting 16 owners, this may change in the near future.

Re: Discussion: Game Sim Days

By Pernbronze
6/05/2018 4:22 am
I like it as is the league matches my only other running league now that Anarchy can't get enough players.