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Don't Sleep Through Your Draft!

By tribewriter
2/06/2018 4:22 pm
The 1977 draft begins tomorrow (Wednesday) at 7:22 am. Eastern Time. Michigan Panthers have the first overall pick.

Re: Don't Sleep Through Your Draft!

By Hellbringer
2/06/2018 7:32 pm
About the only benefit I see for me changing to 3rd shift last week

Re: Don't Sleep Through Your Draft!

By raidergreg69 - League Admin
2/06/2018 8:29 pm
I like picking early or late as my normal sleep schedule is roughly 9am to 3 or 4 pm. Didn't sleep much today so going to try to sleep/wake early. Need to anyway even if we weren't drafting, we have snow coming in the morning and I need to clean off my car for work.

Re: Don't Sleep Through Your Draft!

By CrimsonWolfZ
2/07/2018 12:59 am
My pick isn't until 12:36 central time, so I'm sure I won't be asleep during my pick.

Re: Don't Sleep Through Your Draft!

By Pernbronze
2/07/2018 6:24 am
I probably will be so don't expect me to accept counter offers.