I am currently working on creating the ballot and I want to run something by the league. When it comes to RBs, I have always included rushing and receiving totals, and it looks like this:
William Halford, Baltimore (1,344-1/71-769-3)
With so many RBs catching a lot of passes, I thought I'd try something different this year...
Steve Ransome, Memphis (2,318 {1556/762} - 14 {11-3})
For Ransome, the first number is combined rushing/receiving yards, with the individual numbers in the brackets followed by total TDs, with rush/receiving in the brackets.
The old way almost forces you to do math but also lists total receptions. The new way, I do the math for you, but is the rest too hard to read? I could also add total receptions in the new stat line if you prefer.
LMK please.