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New Blog Post: Week 10: Philadelphia Finally Loses

By raidergreg69 - League Admin
3/21/2021 8:36 am

I wanted to get this done Friday afternoon but I got lazy. Then a busy Friday night meant I got home an hour later than normal and I didn't have time before work today (today being Saturday, haven't gone to bed yet).

Today was a big party day for the whole city for some reason. UD had their annual Lowe's Fest, an outdoor block party in the student housing neighborhood known as "The UD Ghetto". It's called Lowe's Fest because it's always in the 400 block of Lowes St. That's not my store, but it is my brother's, and they were extremely busy all night.

In my neck of the woods around the inner suburbs/edge of Dayton, we were busy too. A lot of people were having large gatherings, getting high and drunk, ordering large amounts of food. That's nothing new for Dayton, but this almost seemed like a pre-pandemic Saturday night with all the people out and about. In Riverside, a music club called Oddbody's had something huge going on until late tonight. They usually boot everyone out by midnight/1 am but at 3 am there were still a lot of people milling about the parking lot. Everyone else left there and went to Taco Bell, McDonalds or Speedway, as they were all jam packed.

That's just a long winded way to say Daytonians are over stimulated this last week or so. I'm gonna crash if I ever get rid of this adrenaline.

Re: New Blog Post: Week 10: Philadelphia Finally Loses

By tribewriter
3/21/2021 9:08 am
University of Dayton students are not known for their moderation, or common sense. I am surprised by how much leeway they are allowed.

Re: New Blog Post: Week 10: Philadelphia Finally Loses

By raidergreg69 - League Admin
3/21/2021 12:03 pm
tribewriter wrote:
University of Dayton students are not known for their moderation, or common sense. I am surprised by how much leeway they are allowed.

That's the polite way to say they're stupid drunks. My first month ever at my current employer, I had a pumpkin thrown at my car in The Ghetto, ironically enough, in the 400 block of Lowes.

Re: New Blog Post: Week 10: Philadelphia Finally Loses

By raidergreg69 - League Admin
3/21/2021 12:14 pm

A picture from the UD festivities yesterday, courtesy of WHIO TV

Re: New Blog Post: Week 10: Philadelphia Finally Loses

By raidergreg69 - League Admin
3/21/2021 12:16 pm
UD officials warned the students not to do this, and they are promising sanctions.