Personally, I like getting a losein the 1st four eliminates the pressure of a perfect season.
I can't count the number of teams (both mine and others) that have gone into the playoffs 16-0 and get "Simmed"!
What is "Simmed"? Everyone has experienced it at some point....all the rolls go against you and the game quickly snowballs outta control. Early turnovers lead to big deficit and the more the team tries to get back into the game....the deeper a hole is dug.
Because of this....I play around with my gameplan and experiment more then usual before beginning game 5-6 where I start to streamline and tighten up my gameplan.
This is just me....I don't have facts or databases to back it up. It's just an observation from playing well over 100 seasons in this game.
The perfect season is possible, I've done it and seen others accomplish it but I've seen many fail in the playoffs which hurts even more then usual.
Edit to add:
There have been 2 perfect seasons in the USFL.
1977 Detroit Wheels
1986 Memphis Showboats
Last edited at 3/07/2021 3:09 pm