I'm creating a 2nd league using the rules I created for the original GM Football League. I'm doing it because I can't continue to play in leagues where owners keep exploiting the sim and aren't interested in building an actual roster.
Before I approve you to join this league, I need you to understand and consent to follow the rules of this league.
This league is being created so that all owners can build a realistic roster based on personal playing positions that match both there physical size and skills. This league will test everyone's ability to build a complete balanced roster with a player distribution that resembles this:
QB 2 (No # limit)
RB 3-4 (minimum 200#)
FB/TE 4-5 (minimum 240#)
WR 4-6 (No # limit)
OL 10-12 (C min 250#/G&T min 275#)
K/P 2 (No limit)
DL 8-9 (DE min 265 #/DT min 290#)
LB 8-9 (min 237 #)
DB 9-10 (No # limit)
QB 2
RB 3
WR 4
OL 8
DT 3
DE 4
LB 6
DB 8
P 1
K 1
You can draft any player and move him to any position you desire as long as he meets the weight requirement for that position.
All position switches must be done in the offseason and positions are locked once the regular season begins.
Once the regular season begins, any transition players MUST MEET weight requirements before they can play. (Example: turned 198 # CB into linebacker during training camp) He plays in the preseason at LB and gains weight steadily but entering week 1, he is only 225 #'s. He can't play until he reaches 237 and he may not be capable of reaching that weight. You, as the GM need to make the decision, do I keep him inactive and pray for the weight gain or do I release him or do I revert him back to safety or corner. Tough decisions!
Gunners and ST Blockers can be any player but ST Rushers can only be LB and DL...No exceptions
If you are a big override guy...this league isn't for you. They aren't outlawed but you can only override the same position so if you override a LB....it has to be a LB. If you override a FB or TE....it has to be a FB or TE. The first owner who overrides a WR to play TE will get booted without a warning.
3 weeks free agency
2 weeks late free agency
3 preseason games
Current version
Any trade allowed
66% injury rate
This league has rules but they are really common sense rules. We are all football fans and this leagues allows everyone to build a team the right way without worrying about losing to somebody using 200 #, 90 speed players all over the field.
A 315 # DT with 72 speed who can stop the run and pressure the QB doesn't come around all the time!
A 245 # linebacker who is a tackling machine but has +80 speed and elite cover skills to be able to play 3 downs doesnt occur all the time!
A 260 # Tightend with +85 speed who can block is rare!
A 217 # RB with +90 speed and elite pass catching is hard to find!
This league will be fun because everyone will be on the same page drafting and building a team. We all will be drafting based on real football and not just on how the sim works.
I play under 90-95% of these rules in all my leagues and I'm tired of being at a disadvantage in games versus owners who play players out of position, use overrides and switch everyone to WR and CB.
PLEASE!!!! Don't join if you aren't 100% in on the concept