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Re: Changes to All Pro Voting for 1991

By raidergreg69 - League Admin
9/22/2020 5:05 pm
I just found out that I can have two open surveys at the same time, which means next year's All Pro Ballot will actually be 2 ballots with no write in only questions.

I also will no longer be solely responsible for All Pro kickers and punters, as they will be on the ballot.

For the 1991 voting, we will have 2 ballots as follows:

Ballot #1


Ballot #2

Kick/Punt Returner
Offensive MVP
Defensive MVP
Offensive Rookie of the Year
Defensive Rookie of the Year
Coach of the Year
Most Improved Coach
Last edited at 9/22/2020 5:05 pm

Re: Changes to All Pro Voting for 1991

By raidergreg69 - League Admin
11/30/2020 1:35 pm
I have all the names ready to create the ballot, and just realized if I go forward with a 2 ballot system, I'll be leading you on whom to vote for, especially at QB. If I leave it blank, I might as well just stick with how we've always done it, just one ballot.