I had this done last night, but I was in the middle of typing it when the sim ran, losing all my progress. Since I can't write the blog the way I want right now, I'll do this instead.
Final Commish Rankings (Last Week)1) Portland 35 (1)
2) Houston 42.5 (2)
3) Memphis 45 (3)
4) New Orleans 57 (4)
5) Washington 59.5 (6)
6) Baltimore 60.5 (5)
7) Denver 66 (8)
8) New Jersey 74.5 (7)
9) San Jose 76 (9)
10) Michigan 81 (11)
TIE11) Shreveport 83 (10)
TIE 11) Chicago 83 (12)
13) Honolulu 104 (13)
TIE 14) Oakland 110.5 (T15)
TIE 14) Orlando 110.5 (14)
16) Detroit 116.5 (T15)
17) (NY) Stars 118.5 (17)
18) Boston 121 (18)
19) Florida 122 (21)
20) Charlotte 127 (22)
21) Philadelphia 132.5 (19)
TIE 22) Tampa Bay 134.5 (20)
TIE 22) Cleveland 134.5 (23)
24) Los Angeles 149.5 (25)
25) Jacksonville 156 (24)
26) Arizona 165.5 (26)
27) Pittsburgh 169 (27)
28) Southern California 179 (28)
29) San Antonio 180 (29)
30) Georgia 187.5 (31)
31) Oklahoma 192 (30)
32) Birmingham 205.5 (32)
Final Division Rankings (Last Week)1) West 377 (1)
2) Midwest 415 (2)
3) Atlantic 416 (4)
4) East 446.5 (3)
5) Southwest 459.5 (5)
6) Pacific 508.5 (6)
7) Southeast 523 (7)
8) South 533 (8)