Setherick's player attributes breakdown:
By setherick
3/05/2018 12:27 am
As some of you know, things are about to get crazy (really crazy) for me at work for the next 6 months to a year. Before things get really out of hand, I wanted to provide an update to this thread based on some experimenting I have been doing.
Current weights: current weights are driven off of the following threads:
*Basic defensive game planning:*Advanced defensive game planning:*Advanced defensive game planning - Part 3 - Assignments Tab Driven M2M: What weights mean?
It's a good reminder to everyone that weights work on percentile scales, which means 100 in any weight means the full value of a player's attribute is counted toward his overall. Whereas 50 means that the attribute value is weighted as (Attribute/2) where 50 is the highest score you can have in that weight class. Then you take the adjusted sum of all of the player's attributes and divide it by the weighted total. All of this means that when you see that I weight some attributes at 100 and all others at 25 for a position (like QBs) that just means that I see that 100 attribute being that much more than any of those other attributes for that position. It doesn't mean that the attribute is unimportant for all positions, it just means that it is more important for others.
Last edited at 5/25/2018 12:55 pm