Tribewriter left me an awesome league to run. Most new commissioners are taking over someone else's mess and need to make a bunch of changes so the league is appealing again. This league is already one of the best MFN has to offer so my philosophy is, if it ain't broke don't fix it.
That being said, I am open to suggestions from anyone in the league about how to keep this league great. One of the reasons this has been my favorite league is the feeling of it belonging to all of us. Whether through the blog posts, message boards, mentoring committee, etc, I always felt the USFL was 1/32nd mine.
Now I'm in the captain's chair, yet the USFL is still only 1/32nd mine. The rest of the league belongs to you, I'm just steering the ship.
We will all miss tribewriter, myself included, but the USFL goes on. It goes without saying he is welcome back anytime he wants, even if he wants to be commissioner again. This league is his baby, and it's been a privilege to be an original member and an honor to attempt to fill his shoes. I only hope I'm up to the task.
Let's play some football!