raymattison21 wrote:
I saw a lot of blitzes from you. Their qb is a 95 . And the ai plan s are only bad to the point selecting plays that are not as effective . .....when it comes to the overuse penalty the ai plans are decent. And really a 90 a 80 and a 70 is a decent draft. So it take about eight games for a team to build up enough play familiarity between each other , but Defensively I had some playoff teams behind an all AI gameplan . The defense one is better than the offensive one. Only because some offensivemplays ****. You really got to send the defense in to overuse situations . I have won games in 75 with ai game plans. I have won games without scouting . ....I have won a championship without every logging in. (Well, only to gloat). I would chalk this one up to rng. But I think you were tip toeing the overuse penalty all game.
My point is
exactly that the RNG caused this. Overuse or not. A team that bad can beat the team with the winningest record at the time? That's my problem. That the computer randomly decided that I should have the most pitiful performance coupled with an exceptional performance from the opposing team and inevitably
Ok. Fine. I guess I will accept this along with the fact that WR's still run sideline to sideline, the QB still doesn't throw to open WR's, the QB still throws into double/triple/quadruple coverage, and RB's that have 100 Avoid Fumble still fumble more than just
Wanna talk about the defense???? I'll save it for the next time I'm aggravated about something that I think needs fixed.
Yes, this is my opinion. Yes, I'm mad about it. Quit embellishing this game with bells and whistles and fix some of the gameplay issues. Then I won't get so upset. We're losing players and not gaining new ones. Something needs to happen before we lose more.