jnormaniv wrote:
To many problems with the new interface I had to switch back to the old one... please troubleshoot things more before you release them to the masses.
This smacks of someone that doesn't understand development and implementation processes. The new interface is stable in so far as it doesn't crash. It's also billed as something that you can preview and was not rolled out as an on by default option that everyone must use. When the problems with the first implementation were noticed, the UI was immediately reverted because of proper code versioning. Everything about the implementation then, suggests that it's being handled in an extremely professional way.
This is all the more impressive since the development team in this case...is...just...one...person.
By rolling out the new UI as a preview, jdavidbakr is allowing dedicated users on the site to track down issues and record them on this thread (and I'm sure other places) in a type of quality control that matches most agile design methodologies. I'm sure everyone has their favorite app that releases a new "patch" or "version" every other day as issues are discovered and fixed. For most users, a roll out like this adds to the experience of game because it allows them a chance to make the end product just a little bit better -- "hey, I found this cool bug if you do X, Y, and Z thing."
Again, all the more impressive because the development team is...just...one...person.
/soapbox/ /rant/