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Main - Suggestion Box


By Beercloud
3/13/2019 8:51 am
Are player and coach personalities a possibility in MFN's future?
Should they be?

Re: Personalities

By shauma_llama
3/13/2019 9:12 am
Beercloud wrote:
Are player and coach personalities a possibility in MFN's future?
Should they be?

You mean like the Steelers fleecing the Raiders (again), by getting something for a WR nobody else wanted - because of his poisonous personality? If there were a "character" rating, it would certainly influence my decisions. But how would you program it? Someone with a poor character having a negative impact on their whole squad, offense or defenese?

Re: Personalities

By preshead
3/13/2019 1:21 pm
Here's one idea I posted recently that could add a little personality to the players....

Just a random thought/question that popped up into my head... and the more I think about it, the more I wonder if it already is this way or if it could be worth considering adding to the game.

Are players volatility tied to their emotions? I understand that if I cut a player, his opinion of me lowers. But is the amount it lowers somehow tied to their volatility?

For instance, if two players are happy with me... one has high volatility, the other has low volatility... I cut both of them... does the high volatility players opinion of me drop more than the player with low volatility?

If the answer is no and there's currently no connection between volatility and their opinion of an owner, then maybe this is something to consider adding?

The more I think about this, could this be a way of adding some personality to each player? As it stands right now, there appears to be no way to read a players personality. Perhaps if volatility was a factor in how badly they might react to being cut, then in some scenarios, low volatility players would be easier to manage in injury situations that would require some cutting and signing of players.

I mention the injury situations due to a recent post I saw that someone talked about burning through free agents due to all the injuries causing them to sign and cut players. Thus thinning out the players who are willing to sign with him because of cutting temp players as injured players heal. If volatility is a factor, then a player with 0 volatility may not care at all if they keep getting signed and cut multiple times by the same owner. A high volatility player could be more emotional and hate being cut and not be willing to sign with that owner again for a long while.

Forgive me for the length of this post. This was a random thought that grew as I thought about it.