Well I have thought about this idea that someone else made (
http://mfn47.myfootballnow.com/community/5/1555?page=0#9413 ) which to my conclusion I think it is a Witch Hunt that's just my opinion maybe someone just thought of that idea for no reason and decided to post it which I am not knocking for posting ideas.
If I am knocking anything it is the fact I am guessing that the OP in that thread has a issue with someone for posting either a comment or a idea in a league they are not part of.
I think instead of making a locking LEAGUE forums of leagues people aren't part of why not just have a IGNORE LIST instead .
All you would have to do is have a profile for each person that shows up when they click on their name.
Like for example if I were to click on my name punisher my profile would come up
Then once that is done.
all would be needed is have a option underneath the name that says ADD to IGNORE LIST and problem solved that way people could just click on that user's name to get to point they can put them on a ignore list and they wouldn't be able to see their comment/thread/message unless either they clicked to take them off the IGNORE LIST or to see what comment/thread/message they wrote.
Btw knowing I made this thread for a ignore list to put on people their ignore list I figured that instead of making another thread to add more things to the profile I will instead add them here.
Also why not add a friend option , send a private message , find latest posts , find latest threads and view conversations too to that where you after you clicked on that person's name you could do the other stuff too.
also it would look like this
Add as a Friend
send a private message
add to ignore list
find latest posts
find latest started threads
view conversations
To me that would work better for people to have something like that or just where something like this
add to ignore list
then people could just click and add that person to their ignore list and everything would be fine a dandy that way people could not have to see what someone wrote/messaged/etc.
anyway other forums I am part of have somewhat a system like those 2 and they do work better than trying to ban people from CERTAIN parts of the forum or going on a witch hunt because in a way if you have someone on your ignore list you wont be seeing what they said and no problems arise and I really doubt problems would arise if people couldn't see someone else's stuff they said if they have them on ignore which it would like killing a bird with 2 stones.
to JDB you don't have to do this idea you could do the one that someone else suggested and heck you don't have to do either one.