I'm sure this has been answered already but I can't find the answer.
I understand that someone with low vol tends to suggest they'll fulfil their potential as per the potential bars.
I also understand that if a player has high potential bars but high vol that he may not fulfill that promise.
I also understand that it can work 'the other way' - this is where I'd like some clarity, esp with a draft coming up!
So, to work the other way suggests player may have CUR/FUT of 34/62 and vol 95.
Let's say his pot bars reach about mid-60's atm. But with the vol, he has a chance that he may end up a real star......right????
The final question concerns players that have no extra potential, so the bars are complete. Can vol affect these guys: so a player with completed Pass Rushing in the draft but vol 90+, could he extend this skill or DOES IT ONLY AFFECT SKILLS NOT YET FULFILLED?
Hope this makes sense, it does to me!