tacomachuck wrote:
Morbid, username... nodding, thanks, advice well taken.
'username'.. Ha! slapping knee laughing... your newsflash in the forum post! (re: I traded Rosa/Sacramento to opponent and evidently you have history with them... grins). That's pretty slick, to play with a sense of good humor!
So, before I even bring this up to someone inprivate, I'll do this in public. So... I'm choosing to manage 2 teams. Seems about right for learning with over this first year.
... do players ever do this; trade with another player, say they become friendly in this.. and player1 gives some good players in league 'a', whereas the friend gives some good players to friend1 in league 'b'. Or would that be seen as not smart friendship managing style, but cheating also? Honestly asking here.
And before anyone brings it up, 'yes', I am interested in just playing the game fairly all the way through (my intentions really, or why would I bring this stuff up in public?).
And if you don't mind, are there any other procedures or practices that are seen as good play style and 'tips' that aren't cheating, that anyone would be willing to give.. I'm all ears. :)
That would be very frowned upon by other owners. Each league should have no effect on another.