As much as MFN is a passion project for JDB, it really needs a hand on the wheel more frequently. The current meta has been in place for 2 years now, and as such it's very hard to avoid cookie-cutter builds, playbooks and player weights. With everyone gravitating towards a single mindset in playing the game it removes a lot of "clever" from gameplanning - follow the meta or lose.
It's well documented that the next big shift in game evolution will (eventually) be on the interface side of things. That's nice, but doesn't help maintain interest from existing players.
So what am I looking for? A very minor tweak to play algorithms on a monthly basis. Not all of them, maybe just one or two artificial shifts to how some elements of a couple of plays perform, but the key is to do it routinely. Allow the meta to evolve over time to chase an optimum approach - it'll disrupt seemingly unbeatable dynasties, allow records to be broken, provide opportunities for leftfield thinking to get results.
Each tweak shouldn't require much development time, might not even have too big an effect, but it happening frequently will disrupt the status quo and keep a sense of freshness.
Alternatively, just track tackles for loss on defensive players and I'll be happy for the next 12 months :)