FWIW, i "never" choose to remove starters during the preseason.
I am really freaking nutty when it comes to overrides, so I don't have to choose to remove - say at halftime - to get my rookies and younglings game time. I do overs for preseason 1 (all the younglings), 3 (time to condition the vets), reg 1 (let's party), and about every 4-5 weeks thereafter (hmm, this guy just can't catch this year lol) unless a long term injury needs an adjustment.
Every player I have has a specific role in specific sets, and I draft accordingly.
I guess this sounds aloof or scolding, ive had a sinus infection for about 10 days and really don't mean to be, if so. I certainly do sound hoity-toity lol!
That said, I did want to say what works for me as a suggestion and I hope the information is useful to a few folks. Admittedly, what works for me may not work for others.
Glad you found the quirk that caused the issue of concern, good to see adults being adults about it :) Best of luck in your league!