With a zero setting there is no variation in the calls unless you have rules, slow down and or hurry up active . These settings alter your calls from the matrix which could counter an opponent from keying correctly just by looking back at your tendencies on the scouting page.
Raising the setting will create different ranges to function within . Changing the rates of calls depending on the success of the previous plays . It still using your matrix but searching outside of the normal ranges.
Considering you can build a plan any way (throw long on short senerios or run in long senerios ) , but the way I use it is mainly to throw off opponents keys by going away from my matrix with a setting of 21.
I am not using exact math here but a larger gain will be followed by a chunk play and if we get stuffed it relatively quickly sends us in to a play that's meant for a big gain.
Like hurry up and slow down . I actually think it's a tool to quickly alter your matrix from game to game without touching your matrix . If your teams a deep passing threat and you throw alot out of your medium senerios , but your facing an opponent weak at defending the run you could raise the setting and work out of you short senerios more often cause they have more runs in possibly exposing the players or plays used to defend ranges.
With that same setting , if high enough and you get stuffed on first down, it could throw it in to your long senerios which may be all passes. A strategic tool not talked about much here in the general forums. Only cause it has two sides to it.
Throw your self or your opponent into play overuse penalties and the game out comes will no doubt be different if not delicately applied. That's why the ranges of zero to 5 are recommended .
I put slowdown at 2 and hurry a 8 . With no rules I like some variation in calls , but facing better opponents this strategy back fires on me from time to time. Still, a 60 pass 40 run matrix , depending on alot of other stuff, can run the ball 70% of the time....or pass 90% .
It's those settings and the prior plays success that can give that variety in that senerio at any given time. Maybe not for everyone . ...I really believe rules gives you better results due to control but for now it is the success and scores are changing calls for us.