With all the biotchin and complaining Ive seen on here lately, I thought Id make a thread about why this game brings out such passion with us gamers. As most good games do. I'll try not to biotch about the biotchin too much. But can't promise anything.
We're gonna have lovers and haters no matter what game we're playing. It's just the nature of the beast. This is not saying that everyone that finds something about the game they think is wrong or has a different view point is a hater. Or that someone who likes something about the game or has a different view point is a lover. But there are always haters that all they seem to do is hate on things and vice versa with the lovers side. Someone who is all one way, may or may not have an agenda. Who knows? Maybe it's just their personality. Most gamers fall somewhere in between those two extremes. And this game is no different. Im going to try to fall into this category with this post. But warning, Im a lover not a hater so.......... Just sayin.
Football is a passionate game in RL. As you can see, it is in the sim world too. What is a sign of a good game? When your emotional about it. Your happy when you win and pissed off when you lose = Passion. That rings true here in MFN.
In RL when your team wins, everything is peachy keen and awesome. Short and sweet end of story. When your team loses everything sucks and there are a million things wrong. It's the coaches fault, its the refs fault, that's a stupid rule, the GM is an idiot, our QB is blind and throws too many int's, the other team got all the breaks, they should change this and they should change that and on and on. See any resemblance going on here @ MFN?
The big difference in the comparison is that in the real world we're at the bar, at the game, at a buddy's house, with family or on some occasions by yourself. In the sim world there's really only one place to go...........the forums. That's pretty much it, for better or worse. In RL the venting usually goes away after that next beer or piece of pizza and the convo changes to the weather or whatever. Here we dont have that luxury, so when someone vents a post, it just sits there like a broken record. If you talked to me about something that happened in a RL game, there's a good chance that I won't remember it a week or two. But when a convo is post here, it is there for you to see over and over again. Which in some cases can fester as you all can see in some of these threads on the forum. Peeps pile on an there ya go. It can become Doom and Gloom.
The Lovers:
This game has so many good features and game play in it that the good out weighs the bad 10 fold. I love the game planning and the fact that watching game film is so important. I love the fact that not every player is as good or as bad as they are on paper. I love the fact that a top draft pick is not always a guaranteed star. And who doesn't love finding that diamond in the rough in the late rounds every blue moon? I love that different attributes mean different things depending on your scheme. I love the whole over ride system and the chess game that goes with it. I love the playbooks and the info that comes with it. I love the play familiarity thing. I love the sticky notes and notes you can write on each player. i love that you can click on a player and his card comes up and that you can open a bunch of em and drag them around however you want. I love the roster management. I love the competition. I love dots.
The Haters:
I hate the coaching system both with salaries and how they're used. I hate the lack of money management. I want more franchise controls like ticket prices, stadium renovations, stadium advertisements, staff management, budget management etc... I hate that there is no personality traits for players or coaches. I hate that weather isn't more of a thing. I hate free agency trends. Like too many top guys signing day one. I hate that signing and resigning players are too easy. But that's where personalities would play a part. I hate when GM's complain about a version before they've had time to even get two or more seasons of it under their belts. I hate when rookie GM's come into this game acting like they know it all and say the game is dying blah blah blah before they even have a full season into the game itself. Disillusioned? A profit? A troll with multi accounts? Dont know but hate it.
That was all my love n hate list and this is already way too long and I still could've added a ton more in both the lover and hater categories. I better stop here. Bottom line is that feedback is a good thing. But it's got to be done constructively if it's going to help anything.. There are some incredible GM's here with a lot of knowledge. Pay attention to them. They break the game down in great detail. This is a great football game that is imo the best out there. Its in beta and will have it's adjustments along the way of course. Whether we love em or hate em. Hopefully they never stop. Feedback is a good thing but the doom n gloom bs is just that. bs.................Did I mention that you dont have to pay one red cent to play this game? hmmmm Ya that's thing.